June 2007
Summer at last!
Our 'Lollypop' Asiatic lilies are late this year compared to last, as are most of our lilies for that matter.
'Blue Mouse Ears' has been in flower for about a week or so. This grabbed my eye last Friday, the light and the tightness of the tepals just begged to have this picture shot. Supposedly this is not a cultivar known for its fertility, so I'm not holding out any hopes for OP seed from it.
Our Hosta plantaginea 'Venus' is starting to come along very nicely. It gets full sun from about 9AM to 2PM and seems to enjoy where it is. There are 5 shoots on this crown and while I have been tempted to divide it already, I think I'll let it grow on and see if we can get some flowers on it next year, don't think we'll see any this year.
Everywhere you look now you will see lilies in bloom or in heavy bud. Thank goodness. Lily season is late for us this year though, here it is the 28th and we can typically expect to have one Oriental or OT type in bloom by now. We'll just have to wait a little longer this year.