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May 2003

Dutch IrisIt's here! MAY! The flowers are finally popping open in abundence. You name it: tulips, Dutch Iris, Daffodils, etc.. Let's start off with some Dutch Iris.

One of the colour variants we have is a white flower with a distinct blueish tinge to it when viewed from above. It's quite fascinating, AND we also have a yellow and white one that shows the same blueish top; obviously there's a genetic connection between the two.

The whites are the earliest of the Dutch Iris' to open up, followed by the blues, with the lighter shades being the first. Dutch IrisThe white and yellow ones tend to be the later ones.

columbineOver the years we have quietly gathered a variety of different forms and colours of Columbine. I was pleasantly surprised this year to see a purple in one bed.

Here is that purple one. It's the first year it has flowered. It will only become showier in years to come.

Like this one growing in the frontyard, the purple one has a very elegant fluted shape to it's flower.

Compared with the flowers you see above, these to the left appear somewhat squished

It's the second year for this particular variety we got from brother Bill. It's flower shape, colour and form is very different from the other ones we have. Odd thing this year is that most of our Columbines seem to be infested with Leafminers.

The month of May is "pop-up" month in our garden and there is so much to show, it just wouldn't make sense to put a selection of all we have all on one page; even with a highspeed connection it would take too long to load and it eats up bandwidth.

Additional May flower pictures can be found here.