June 2008

Last year we had this plant growing in the corner box where we have the Wysteria, Clematis and an assortment of lilies and while it did remind me of a lily it was very unusual in how many leaves whorled their way up the stem. It never flowered, so there was no real way of knowing what it was. Well, it came back up this year and there were now actually two stems with the same tight whorling of the leaves. And, as you can tell from this picture taken in early May, there were buds developing....

The first of the flowers opened up well ahead of the other early bloomers, last day of May as a matter of fact. Haven't clue what it is, but I'll do some digging and inquiring.

While this may be ahead of the other early lily bloomers, our lilies as a whole are well behind where they were last year at this time, by perhaps as much as three weeks. Last year this time we had a 'Peach Pixie' in bloom, this year that one is still in bud and my guess is it'll be at least another 10-14 days before the buds will open. Although the winter was not particularly cold, spring certainly has been and boy, does that reflect in the plants.